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Minor in Chinese Language and Culture

Requires 14 hours, including two advanced Chinese language courses beyond 201, plus two EAL elective courses in Chinese literature, film, and/or culture. Study abroad is highly recommended but not required. A minimum “C” average is required for all courses in the minor.

Required minor courses

CHI 220  Third-year Chinese I (4)

CHI 230  Third-year Chinese II (4)

Select two electives in Chinese literature, film and/or culture

EAL 221  Themes in Chinese Literature I (3)

EAL 222  Themes in Chinese Literature II (3)

EAL 223  Traditional Chinese Literature (3)

EAL 231  Experiments in Modern Chinese Literature and Visual Culture (3)

EAL 252  Chinese Cinemas (3)

EAL 260 Global Work and Life: A Chinese Linguistics Approach (3)

EAL 271  Mass Culture in Modern China (3)

EAL 272  Fiction and Film from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beyond (3)

EAL 273  Kung Fu China: Culture, Narrative, Globalization (3)
An interdisciplinary East Asian Studies minor is also available to students. The EAS minor does not require language study.